Displacement Diffuser Low Velocity

Displacement Diffuser Low Velocity

Escoflow displacement diffuser low velocity is high quality solution for efficient air distribution and a comfortable indoor climate. It is ideal solution for areas where large volumes at low velocities are required
    Low sound levels.
    Uniform and even air flow over the entire surface area.
    Large draught-free air flow.
    Maintenance free metallic construction.
    Detachable front panel providing access to duct work.
    Robust non-clogging structure.
    Large selection of accessories.
Escoflow In low velocity units there are various geometric cross section available, but the main operation principle is the same in all units. There is a plenum chamber with perforated face plate to provide low velocity air supply. 
The object is to achieve uniform velocity across the entire face area. Our system utilizes simple mechanical air distribution without any nozzles or expanded foam filters.

The recommended air flow rate per unit depends on the use of the space, the location of the units and comfort criteria. 

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